Seems like just arranging my luggage in airport ytd..then today have to pack my things moving out Bramall,I wonder is time has a wing?
I really hmm seh duck my room..after innovation by me, it became my Xiao tian tang..
the feeling without a home is not so good..
our luggage is store in self storage-a giant "store room" allow u to store any of Ur things,of course u have to pay to get a room.
And now I'm heading to Europe.travel around the Europe country=]..
Belgium,France,Luxembourg,holland,Vatican,Switzerland,Austria and Italy...am I dreaming??
Ytd still preparing for exam,today go to Europe..like dreaming..
Just now I really dreaming during my exam..i have not enough time to do and I don't know how to do..
can Somebody kill me!i should not make this mistake!
actually i can did it well in this paper, but I can't write out the things I had study!i forget what i memorized
end up I didn't finish all the question.
I hope they will lower down the marking scheme to pass us.=[
I Told to my brother, I scared I cannot pass, then my bro answer me:yew,whatever la,fail Mai fail now u should enjoy Ur trip.==.
he totally not care about my result ..he hope I can get a job here.
And..I have decided..
I will work at here not going back Malaysia IF I can get a new stamp later when passing the Europe custom..good luck to me.i wish I could stay here too..
I'm writing this post in the bus..
Should End le..bye..
(after upgrade my little apple.no more jailbreak so no more blogpress..using blogger to update this post..pic can be arrange to the top..so~jiong zao Har la~I will arrange it back the time I use the web version.)
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